Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jenn Gets Fat- Looking back

Well the first week has gone well. Davis is feeding great and I must say- this is the best weight loss program I've ever been on. Davis seems to be enjoying it, too. Tim took this week off work to help me recover from the surgery and to enjoy his new role as a father. the photo above was taken right after we got home from the hospital- Tim and Davis were so tired- and so cute. He is a great dad and has changed every diaper so far. That's right, I haven't changed a single diaper yet. I hope that every week after this is just as good, but as my sister is quick to point out, I'm still being medicated. Tim did finish up that "Jenn Gets Fat" video and I am finally posting it here. I have some great still photos of the pregnancy that my friend Gina Mae took, but I need to get her permission before I post them, so those are yet to come. The following video is not so glamorous, but the final photo makes it all worth it.



Betsy said...

I love it!! That last photo is great! I think I look like you at 30 weeks now :)

Paige said...

Yay, great pics. Makes me want to have a baby <3

Anonymous said...

We love you guys!!! Davis is so cute!!! Congrats again!