Its True- Last night, with only 7 days to go in the pregnancy, I went to he movie theater for the first time in over 7 years. For those of you who know me well, you know I don't go to the theater, EVER- FOR ANYONE. I am terrified of the dirty seats, wierd smelling carpet, people making mouth noises with their popcorn and candy, cell phones going off, poor indoor air quality, its too cold in there, stupid previews, and I sometimes have a hard time staying awake long enough to make it through a movie. Yet, Tim loves the movies, which is why we compromised and bought the projector. But in a temporary moment of insanity (due to the pregnancy, I'm sure) I thought that it would be something special I could do for Tim on this last Valentine's before the baby arrives. I have mixed feelings about the experience.
We went to see Juno- which was a great movie to see, especially when you are pregnant. More on that later. Unfortunatley, Juno was only playing at the really small/old theater by the mall. This was bad- very bad for me. We passed by the snack counter which still had the super over priced popcorn and candy I remebered from years ago. Luckily, I have a huge purse that is full of candy these days. So I cautiously proceeded to the movie seats. It was aweful- the carpet was incredibly dirty and the circa 1979 seats were worse. Tim could tell, I was freaking out. Thank goodness mom had caught wind of my big idea to go the movies and supplied me with a black trash bag. If it weren't for that trash bag over the seat, I would have been so out of there. As it was, I made Tim strip down as soon as he got home so I could wash everything that came in contact with those seats- not exactly the strip down Tim might have imagined on Valentine's Day.
Ok- so the movie begins and my cell phone goes off. Even though there were only about 7 other people in the theater, I was mortified. Not only was I at the movie theater, I had become the person I hated there. Anyway, Juno was actually such a good movie that it almost made up for everything else that was so wrong at that place. The story was great, the actors were talented and the set/props were amazing. The following are my favorite props in the movie.
1- Hamburger phone (Not to be confused with the Ketchup phone I had... ok, I still have it)
2- Alphie Robot
3- Slinkie Shirt
that is why I love ya girl! You crack me up, I can just visualize the whole thing in my head! It was a GREAT movie though, eh?
a little automysophobia or spermatophobia, huh?
Congratulations on the new addition!
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