This posting will be mainly pictures because we have so many cute shots of Davis in his Peanut costume. Davis recovered from his first cold just in time for all the Halloween festivities. We started the day with a visit with Granny, then we headed home for a nap. After his brief morning nap, Davis made a great/horrible discovery: THE DOGGIE DOOR. Tim and I had worried he would find it eventually, but I didn't think it would be this soon. I left him in his room for a second to grab an outfit for him that was in the dryer. His room is baby proofed so i thought he would be fine. What I didn't know is that Napoleon popped in the doggie door right as I left, and Davis saw him. Apparently, Davis scurried right over to the door and Napoleon hopped back out it- which Davis thought was hilarious. I heard the laughing and caught a glance at the two of them playing with the door through the courtyard (the house is U shaped so I can still see Davis through the patio doors even when I'm at the front of the house). I grabbed the video camera to catch him on tape for Tim.

So after I pulled Davis away from the thrill of the doggie door, we headed over to Amanda and Grey's house for a playgroup Halloween party. It was great- Amanda's new house is gorgeous and the back room is baby proof. Davis and Grey are really starting to play together, even without Amanda and I parking them next to each other. Davis scurried right over to Grey's mock four wheeler and helped him tip it over. This may be a sign of things to come and I think those two are really going to get each other in trouble in a few years.

After Amanda's party, the hubby's joined us for some Trick or Treating in Katie's neighborhood, Mentone. We had a great time just parading the babies around and Davis seemed to like seeing the older kids in their costumes. As it got dark, we headed to Gigi and Pop's house so they could have a visit with Mr. Peanut. It was a great day- one of those days that was so fun you wish you could live it over again.

This is my last posting until my Miracle on Main Street Event this Satuday! That's also Tim's bday so hopefully I can muster up some high energy between now and then.
