The pictures in this blog include highlights from our (Davis and my) trip to the family farm in Kentucky. Davis met his great-great Aunt Lilian ("Sister"), Uncle Ken and his dog Barney, Franklin (our Donkey), and a bunch of cows. Note the rockin "Burkman Feeds" trucker hat I'm wearing. No, I did not take my baby on the tractor, although the farm hands did think I was kinda crazy walking all around the barn with Davis in his Bjorn carrier. But Davis had a blast and we didn't fall in any steamy mud, if you know what I mean. Too bad Davis is too young to enjoy Sister awesome home cooking. I'm working on a cookbook of her recipes through blurb. On the way to the farm and on the way back, we stopped by Aunt Kathy's and visited with Uncle Chase, cousin Ally and cousin Weston. Upon our return we embarked on shopping adventure that follows.
We couldn’t resist any longer. We finally trekked over to the Evil Empire also known as the new Super Wal-Mart Center (FYI- I just found out that WORD 07 spell check knows Wal-mart- scary). We actually went there to pick up a bunch of bikes that they gave us a deal on for the Junior League Miracle on Main Street Toy event this Christmas. However, due to a paperwork issue, Tim and I weren’t able to pick them up on that trip, but that’s another story. Anyway, since we were already in the store, why not go ahead and get the grocery shopping done. I had just reached an all time low as far as groceries go. We had zero- no canned goods, absolutely no meat for Tim, no cheese, no milk- actually no dairy products whatsoever, no pasta, no vegetables (fresh or frozen)- nothin’. We did still have coffee and sugar, but with no creamer even I was about ready to break down and go to the store. Why did I let the pantry go so bare? Two reasons- one, I hate going to the store to buy a lot. I prefer to just zip in, get only what I immediately need and get out. Therefore, we don’t ever have that much food around. Secondly, Tim and I had both just gotten back from out of town. Tim was at Nerdfest 08 (American Society of Mass Spectrometry meeting in Denver – see, I told you, total nerfest) and Davis and I had just returned from the family farm in Kentucky. So what little we had in the fridge went bad and we were in a bad spot. Someone was going to have to figure out what we could eat- Which brings us back to the Super Wal-Mart and our first grocery shopping experience there.
Tim and I were strolling down the extra wide laundry aisle in search of a good deal on laundry detergent. I remembered that the last time I had bought detergent I was at Target and Davis was only a few days old. I had convinced mom to take me to Target because I was going totally stir crazy in the house and I used our lack of laundry detergent as reason to escape. Never mind the fact that, having just had a c-section, I wasn’t supposed to be doing any laundry lifting. I recalled that I bought Snuggle at Target and that it smelled really good and it lasted a really long time because all these months later I was just now having to buy detergent again. I wondered why I hadn’t ever tried that brand before. So as Tim and I were looking for detergent at the Super Wal-Mart I noticed that the Snuggle was not with the other detergent- it was across the aisle with some other laundry stuff. Weird, I thought. Then it dawned on me- at Target, I bought the Snuggle because it was on the end of the aisle in a display and mom and I were in a rush to get out of the store before my pain medicine stopped working (I know- what the heck was I doing out?). What a second….OMG- It suddenly all made sense. Why did our clothes smell so good, yet no stains were coming out in the wash? Why didn’t the water get bubbly when I added the Snuggle to the wash? Why did that one container of Snuggle last through so many washes? Im sure everyone else already knows it, but at 30 years old I just learned that SNUGGLE IS A FABRIC SOFTENER- NOT LUANDRY DETERGENT. It doesn’t clean clothes. I was immediately disgusted by the thought that none of our clothes had really been cleaned since Daivs was born. Yikes.
So I told Tim what I had done and of course he said, “well yeah- its fabric softener- it doesn’t clean anything”. Hmmmm. And then I had the second epiphany. If Tim knew all along that Snuggle wasn’t laundry detergent, and we only had Snuggle in the house (and dreft- for D’s stuff), then that meant that Tim had done ZERO laundry since Davis was born. Not one load. Now that I’m at home, I don’t mind doing all the laundry, but I thought that Tim had at least done a load when I was recovering. I tried to give him a hard time about it, but I couldn’t for too long because he was laughing so hard at me thinking that Snuggle was detergent. I couldn’t help but laugh, too.
So if you thought that the dingy look about us since Davis was born was just a reflection of lack of sleep, now you know what really happened.
Tim and I were strolling down the extra wide laundry aisle in search of a good deal on laundry detergent. I remembered that the last time I had bought detergent I was at Target and Davis was only a few days old. I had convinced mom to take me to Target because I was going totally stir crazy in the house and I used our lack of laundry detergent as reason to escape. Never mind the fact that, having just had a c-section, I wasn’t supposed to be doing any laundry lifting. I recalled that I bought Snuggle at Target and that it smelled really good and it lasted a really long time because all these months later I was just now having to buy detergent again. I wondered why I hadn’t ever tried that brand before. So as Tim and I were looking for detergent at the Super Wal-Mart I noticed that the Snuggle was not with the other detergent- it was across the aisle with some other laundry stuff. Weird, I thought. Then it dawned on me- at Target, I bought the Snuggle because it was on the end of the aisle in a display and mom and I were in a rush to get out of the store before my pain medicine stopped working (I know- what the heck was I doing out?). What a second….OMG- It suddenly all made sense. Why did our clothes smell so good, yet no stains were coming out in the wash? Why didn’t the water get bubbly when I added the Snuggle to the wash? Why did that one container of Snuggle last through so many washes? Im sure everyone else already knows it, but at 30 years old I just learned that SNUGGLE IS A FABRIC SOFTENER- NOT LUANDRY DETERGENT. It doesn’t clean clothes. I was immediately disgusted by the thought that none of our clothes had really been cleaned since Daivs was born. Yikes.
So I told Tim what I had done and of course he said, “well yeah- its fabric softener- it doesn’t clean anything”. Hmmmm. And then I had the second epiphany. If Tim knew all along that Snuggle wasn’t laundry detergent, and we only had Snuggle in the house (and dreft- for D’s stuff), then that meant that Tim had done ZERO laundry since Davis was born. Not one load. Now that I’m at home, I don’t mind doing all the laundry, but I thought that Tim had at least done a load when I was recovering. I tried to give him a hard time about it, but I couldn’t for too long because he was laughing so hard at me thinking that Snuggle was detergent. I couldn’t help but laugh, too.
So if you thought that the dingy look about us since Davis was born was just a reflection of lack of sleep, now you know what really happened.